Page name: matt hardy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-24 00:42:55
Last author: The Rejekt
Owner: The Rejekt
# of watchers: 10
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President: [The Rejekt]
[juvi phase2.0(new poll)]
if u like Matt Hardy then this is the page 4 u when i get updates on Matt Hardy then u can get them here.

matt hardy pictures
matt hardy pictures 2
matt hardy profile
matt hardy banners

Members or as Matt Hardy calls them MFer's(Mattitude Followers):
1)[Shark Boy]
2)[kevin harvick_rocks]
3)[insert name here]
4)[Juvi Phase3]
5)[Uncle Kracker's Wife]

It all started when...
   Matthew Moore Hardy was born on September 23rd, 1974, to parents Claude G. and Ruby Hardy. Matt was joined in August of 1977 by his baby brother Jeffrey Nero Hardy, who would turn out to be Matt's only sibling. Matt and Jeff were extremely close growing up, and both of the boys were heavily involved in athletics, particularly baseball. Matt's first dream was to one day be a professional baseball player. When Matt first tuned in to professional wrestling, he realized a new dream--to be a professional wrestler. The combination of athletism, entertainment, drama, and storytelling had Matt hooked from the start.
  Matt and Jeff received a trampoline for Christmas in 1988, and started contesting "shoot" wrestling matches with themselves and friends. Later, Matt decided it would be fun to "emulate" the type of wrestling matches that he and Jeff had became such big fans of. Matt eventually built a makeshift ring around the trampoline and he and Jeff started having full-fledged wrestling events. Matt would even goes as far to have "storylines" and rent a camcorder from a local video store so they could record every big event. A local fair carney, Kenneth Morgan, contacted Matt and his crew about wrestling on some of his county fair shows. While working on the fair shows, Matt met a couple of full-time pro wrestlers who introduced him to the Italian Stallion.
  The Stallion booked guys to work WWE television events as extras, and gave Matt and Jeff their first opportunity to step into a WWE ring. The brothers were hooked, and Matt now knew what he was destined to do with his life. In the meantime, Matt bought a wrestling ring and started running his own shows under the ECWF--which would later become OMEGA. As time went on, and both Matt and Jeff perfected their craft, the brothers were signed to WWE developmental deals in March of 1998. Matt and Jeff went on to capture six World tag team titles from 1999 to 2001. Matt and Jeff have also been part of some of the most memorable tag team matches in wrestling history. The ladder, table, and TLC matches that the Hardy's were involved in will go down in history as trend-setting and business changing. In 2002, Matt ventured out on his own as a singles wrestler, becoming Matt Hardy, Version One, the Sensei of Mattitude.
   Matt Hardy V1 became one of the most entertaining characters in pro wrestling, and Matt was very successful as a singles wrestler. Matt has held the European Championship, the Hardcore Championship, and the Cruiserweight championship. During a feud with Kane, Matt suffered a possible career-ending injury which required complete reconstructive surgery on his left knee. While Matt was out injured, the "situation" with Edge and Lita went down, which led to Matt being released from his WWE contract. Wrestling fans rallied behind V1 and chanted "We Want Matt" across the world. Matt got involved in several outside projects while rehabbing, including creating The Matt Hardy Show. Matt invading RAW on July 11th, attacked Edge and was arrested by the New Jersey police.
   Matt has promised to return to the WWE and make Edge, Lita, and the WWE regret what they did to him.

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2005-04-11 [The Rejekt]: matt's entrance music rocks

2005-04-11 [Shark Boy]: yeah he does

2005-04-11 [The Rejekt]: yes it does

2005-04-11 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-04-11 [The Rejekt]: yep

2005-04-11 [Shark Boy]: that sucks that matt got fired

2005-04-11 [The Rejekt]: yeah it does

2005-04-11 [Juvi_Phase3]: yep

2005-04-12 [Shark Boy]: but in 90 days he can go 2 tna

2005-04-12 [Juvi_Phase3]: yeah i can't wait

2005-04-12 [The Rejekt]: me 2

2005-04-13 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-04-13 [The Rejekt]: yep

2005-04-13 [Juvi_Phase3]: woooooooooo

2005-04-14 [The Rejekt]: cool

2005-04-14 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-04-18 [The Rejekt]: cool

2005-04-18 [lenardo]: cool i know it will be awsome

2005-04-18 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know so wat's up inuyasha

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: yeah wat's up

2005-04-19 [The Rejekt]: did ya'll see that new tag team the Heart Throbs

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: yeah they were funny

2005-04-19 [The Rejekt]: yes they were

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: matt hardy rocks

2005-04-19 [Juvi_Phase3]: yes he does

2005-04-19 [The Rejekt]: i just signed the petition 2 bring matt back 2 the wwe

2005-04-19 [Shark Boy]: cool

2005-04-19 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-04-20 [kevin harvick_rocks]: matt hardy is awesome

2005-04-20 [Juvi_Phase3]: yes he is

2005-04-20 [The Rejekt]: yep

2005-04-20 [lenardo]: where is the petition

2005-04-20 [The Rejekt]: go 2 and scroll down till it says matt thanks fans 4 petition or somethin and click on it and u got 2 put ur email address and ur real name and a comment 

2005-04-21 [lenardo]: ok

2005-04-21 [The Rejekt]: did u sign it

2005-04-21 [lenardo]: not yet but will soon

2005-04-21 [The Rejekt]: ok make sure u do

2005-04-24 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I just signed it.

2005-04-24 [The Rejekt]: cool

2005-04-25 [lenardo]: I just signed it

2005-04-25 [The Rejekt]: ok so wat's up

2005-04-25 [lenardo]: nothing much u

2005-04-25 [The Rejekt]: just got out of the shower

2005-05-04 [lenardo]: what picture

2005-05-04 [The Rejekt]: u mean u can't see it

2005-05-04 [lenardo]: no

2005-05-04 [The Rejekt]: nevermind i had 2 erase it

2005-05-13 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: OK, good badge and all, but if the guards see it, they won't allow it in houses... it's not been edited and stuff... just letting you all know.

2005-05-13 [The Rejekt]: oh ok so how do u fix it 2 where it can be put in houses

2005-05-14 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Make like a CG of the V1 logo or something... as long as it's created by you it's fine, but cant' have pics of him.

2005-05-14 [The Rejekt]: oh ok

2005-05-14 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: The one that is up there right now is allowed to stay on wikis though.

2005-05-14 [The Rejekt]: oh ok

2005-05-14 [lenardo]: what do u mean CG

2005-05-14 [The Rejekt]: idk

2005-05-14 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Computer Graphic

2005-05-14 [The Rejekt]: oh ok

2005-05-14 [lenardo]: ok

2005-05-14 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-05-15 [Juvi_Phase3]: wat's up every1

2005-05-15 [Shark Boy]: add me 2 the members list when u make 1

2005-05-15 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll do that now

2005-05-16 [kevin harvick_rocks]: add me 2

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: ok i will

2005-05-16 [Juvi_Phase3]: cool

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: the word is Matt is headed 2 TNA

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: that's gonna be cool

2005-05-16 [Juvi_Phase3]: i know

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: yeah really cool

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: i know

2005-05-16 [Juvi_Phase3]: yeah Matt Hardy rocks!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: yeah he does

2005-05-16 [kevin harvick_rocks]: thanx 4 addin me

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: ur welcome

2005-05-16 [Juvi_Phase3]: so how is every1

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: pretty good how bout u

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: i'm doin good 2

2005-05-16 [Juvi_Phase3]: that's good

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: yeah i know

2005-05-16 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-05-16 [Shark Boy]: that's cool

2005-05-17 [kevin harvick_rocks]: yep

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: cool

2005-05-17 [Shark Boy]: yeah i hate lita and edge even more

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: i wish that both of them would die

2005-05-17 [Juvi_Phase3]: me 2 that's wrong wat they did 2 Matt

2005-05-17 [kevin harvick_rocks]: yeah it is

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-05-17 [Shark Boy]: really wrong

2005-05-17 [kevin harvick_rocks]: yeah

2005-05-17 [The Rejekt]: really

2005-05-18 [Shark Boy]: yeah

2005-05-18 [The Rejekt]: kool

2005-05-18 [kevin harvick_rocks]: yeah

2005-05-18 [The Rejekt]: wat's up

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: That was really fucked up wat happened on RAW

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah it was

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: Matt was the only reason i tuned in 2 RAW every Monday bsides "Captain Charisma" and they had 2 do that that was just uncalled 4 and disrespectful 2 all of us MF'ers out there around the world and disrespectful 2 Matt especially Matt

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: that's true

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah b/c when he started idk y i just always considered him my fav wrestler even after he turned on Jeff and Lita he has always been my fav and it's really like WWE is spittin in my face when they pull stunts like they did on RAW

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: and it really eats me up inside watchin Lita say that she has never really in love with a man b4

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i know she was in love with matt hardey

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah she was with Matt 4 a very long time and he was out shoppin 4 a weddin ring when he found out she was cheatin on him with that bug-eyed son of a bitch Edge excuse my language

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: thats true

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah but srry bout my language i'm just so upset that they would do somethin like this 2 a wrestler that was so popular not only with the fans but with just bout every single wrestler backstage just like John Cena said it's really messed up that they did that 2 Matt b/c if it wasn't 4 Matt John Cena wouldn't b wrestling with the WWE and Cena also said that Matt sold tickets b/c he was so good

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i know it is srewed up y did the fire some one eles

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: b/c they said they had 2 get rid of either Matt or Edge and they chose Matt b/c they were gonna make Edge a star

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: they should have got read of edge

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know Matt was a hell of a lot better than he will ever b

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah he was

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: matt still is better

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah he is

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah he is goin 2 TNA and team up with Jeff 4 a Hardy boyz reunion

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: cool

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know i can't wait

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: when?is it

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: at the next TNA PPV i think next month b/c his no compete clause runs out july 11

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah but i won't b able 2 c it :(

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: why

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: b/c my parents don't like TNA they only like WWE

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: that sucks

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah it does suck

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: big time

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeahest

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah so do u like Chris Masters?????????????????????????????????

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: he ok u??

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: i hate him y do u like him??????????????

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i said he's ok i didn't say i like him

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: he still sucks

2005-06-21 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i know

2005-06-21 [The Rejekt]: yeah he has 2 beat up on nobodys and that is pathetic lol

2005-06-22 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah lol


2005-06-22 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]:


2005-06-23 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Then spell his name right at least. *Rolls eyes* There is no "E" and Hardy.

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: let me see i don't see a E in Matt Mardy *roll my eyes back* so i must have spelled Matt Hardy right

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]:


2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah really

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: u missed it the last 3 day u wouldn't on here i have had alot of people messaging me saying matt hardy sux an there shouldn't be a wiki on him

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: well tell them i said 2 kiss my fuckin ass

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i told them to go fuck there selfs

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: who r some of the ppl that said that????

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: the [ tholdm] is one of them

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: has he said anything when u told him 2 go fuck himself????

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: no

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: oh ok i was gonna go tell him off lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: lol he hasn't said nuthing that person that said i spellet matt hardy wronge mad a complet idot out of herself

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah so watcha doin?

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: listing to a song that's called uncle fucker u

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: ain't that song off of the South Park movie? and i'm just sittin here

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah it is

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: that song rocks

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: it's fuckin hilarious 2 lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah it is lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah so watcha doin now?

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: listing to a slipknot cd u

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: just sittin here bein bored lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i stay bored

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: i do 2 lol it's just a normal thing 4 me lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: me to lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: now i don't feel weird lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah i felt lonly there 4 a sec lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: woooooooo

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: coooooooooooool

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know lol so watcha din now?

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: trying to find a song to listion to i've never herd and i'm going to get a scanner

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: when r u gettin the scanner??????????

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: idk maybe but the 15 of july 

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: wat bout the 15 of july??????????

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: u said when am i going to get my sanner maybe befor the 15 of july

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: oh ok lol

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: lol

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah so do u like that show Reno 911???????????

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: it's cool ain't it?

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: i know do u like family guy?

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: i do 2

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: cool

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah so who do u like better Matt or Jeff???????????

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: matt u

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: same here i was always a bigger Matt Hardy fan more than a Jeff Hardy fan b/c Matt has more skills in the ring than Jeff does

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah he dose

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah that's probably y WWE kept Matt after they let Jeff go

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah the only reason ppl liked Jeff is b/c he would try 2 steal Matt's spotlight by jumpin off ladders and goin through tables

2005-06-24 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah that's right

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